Get Involved with Vortex Linux

At Vortex Linux, we believe in the power of community and collaboration. Our project thrives on the contributions of individuals who are passionate about open-source software, security, and making a difference in the Linux world. Whether you’re a seasoned developer, a designer, a writer, or someone new to the world of Linux, there are many ways you can get involved and help shape the future of Vortex Linux.

How to Contribute

1. Contribute Code on GitHub

Vortex Linux is a community-driven project, and our source code is open and accessible to everyone. If you’re interested in contributing code, you can:

  • Explore Our Repositories: Visit our GitHub organization to find repositories that interest you.
  • Submit Pull Requests: Found a bug or have a feature in mind? Fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request.
  • Review and Test Code: Help by reviewing pull requests or testing new features and fixes.

2. Improve Documentation on Read The Docs

Good documentation is key to any successful project, and we welcome contributions to our documentation:

  • Read and Improve: Visit our Read The Docs page to see the current documentation. If you find any errors or areas for improvement, feel free to make edits.
  • Write Tutorials and Guides: Share your knowledge by writing tutorials, guides, or FAQs that can help new users and contributors.
  • Suggest New Content: If you think something is missing from our documentation, let us know or contribute directly.

3. Join the Discussion on Discord

Our Discord server is the heart of the Vortex Linux community. It’s a place where you can:

  • Ask Questions: Whether you’re new to Linux or an experienced user, feel free to ask questions and share your knowledge.
  • Discuss Development: Participate in discussions about new features, project direction, and more.
  • Connect with Other Contributors: Meet like-minded individuals who are passionate about Linux and open-source software.

4. Spread the Word

Even if you’re not a developer, designer, or writer, you can still help by spreading the word about Vortex Linux:

  • Share on Social Media: Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter-X and share our posts to help grow the community.
  • Recommend Vortex Linux: If you know someone who might benefit from using Vortex Linux, recommend us!

5. Support the Project

Your support helps us keep the project running smoothly:

  • Donate: Consider supporting Vortex Linux through donations to help cover development costs and infrastructure.
  • Contribute Resources: If you have server space, bandwidth, or other resources you can contribute, please reach out to us on Discord.

Getting Started

Ready to dive in? Here’s how you can start:

  1. Join our Discord server to introduce yourself and get to know the community.
  2. Check out our GitHub repositories and find an issue that interests you.
  3. Read the documentation to familiarize yourself with the project and contribute improvements.
  4. Connect with us on social media to stay updated on the latest news and updates.

Together, we can make Vortex Linux a powerful, secure, and user-friendly Linux distribution for everyone. Your contributions, no matter how small, make a huge difference.

Thank you for your interest in contributing to Vortex Linux!

Stay connected with us on GitHub, Discord, and Read The Docs.